Celtic Christmas 2015

Once again the Celtic Choir would like to invite all our friends of english language music to our Advents Concert on Saturday the 12th of December in the old Nazarethkirche from 5 to 7pm.
We will be presenting a lively selection of our most beautiful Christmas songs from England, Scotland and Wales.
The choir will even dare to sing some songs in welsh and xhosa.
This year we will be supported by Berlin Folks who will accompany us in the second half of our concert and will also be performing some of their own pieces.
Berlin Folks have a large repertoire of music with an emphasis on irish music - but they also perform interpretations of Scottish and Breton music aswell as music from other countries. They all play a few musical instruments, can lead and perform dance music and sometimes they sing in five parts. Fiddles, flutes, double bass, the bodhran and much more awaits our audience, dancers and music lovers.
Berlin Folks
Fahrverbindung: U-Bhf Leopoldplatz, vorderer Leopoldplatz