Scottish & More
The choir´s 7th Anniversary in the Himmelfahrt Church - on the 27th of September 2015 at 16:00. On this occasion we are presenting a special programme of songs.
We will open with a choice of songs from our english, irish and scottish repertoire. Two of the songs are in irish and welsh. Now It´s going to get Scottish because of our guests. For the past 30 years Paul Joses has excited fans performing his own songs. The lyrics portray the problems of his old Homeland of Scotland and recount the good and the bad occurences of everyday life. Going on 20 years now the guitarist and singer Stephan Kießling has been Paul Joses true companion lending great "drive" to the songs. When this duo get together it is always an Event.
After the "coffee and tea break" Paul Joses will sing a couple of his "Clyde" songs accompanies by Stephan Kießling and the choir. Background History: Both Paul and Lizzy grew up by the scottish river the Clyde, Lizzy near the Glasgow dockyards and Paul in Dumbarton near the mouth of the river. In the 80's they met as a duo and trio in the then folk clubs of Berlin.
The audience is as always welcome to sing along!
More Information:
Concert: Sunday, 27th of September 16:00
Himmelfahrtkirche am Humboldthain, Gustav-Meyer Allee 2, 13355 Berlin
Travel Information: U-Bhf Voltastraße, Gesundbrunnen or S-Bhf Humboldthain, Gesundbrunnen or Bus 247