Nightly gig for the Celtic Choir

It was a novelty this year: For the first time ever, the Celtic Choir performed at the Lange Nacht der Chöre at the Reformationskirche in Berlin-Moabit.
It was now the ninth time that the annual meeting took place, and it was already late after midnight when the Celtic Choir and its guest pianist Immanuel finally entered the stage to present a part of the new programme. Though we were unfamiliar with the acoustics in the church the performance was fruitful: We infected the audience with our excitement and it seemed that the intense rehearsals of the past months really payed off. Thus our participation at the Lange Nacht was also an ideal preparation for our next concert – on the occassion of the fifth anniversary of the Celtic Choir. More information will follow soon.
A big "Thank you" goes to our pianist Immanuel, without whom this appearance would not have been possible.
PS: More impressions from the Lange Nacht der Chöre can be found here.