Singing for Art in Wedding

Suddenly it is November and we don't have a Christmas concert!
... Days later on one of my late trips from the studio home I noticed a new gallery at Malplaquetstraße in Wedding: "5th people project". Curiously I walk in and look around. The Japanese gallery owner Yasuko Fujioka is striking up a conversation with me and at the end of it she hands me an invitation: Art/Design Flea Market on the 3rd and 4th advent. As it is practically on my way to work I decided to take up this opportunity for an exhibition, to show my sustainable art and design objects.
And while I am thinking about the presentation of my art I suddenly see a chance to put our wish to have a Christmas concert into practice and turn my idea "Sustainable Singing", meaning to raise attention towards something amazing in a carbon neutral way, into reality: The Celtic Choir is singing at the Art/Design Flea Market.
The owner of the gallery is as excited as Lizzy, our choir leader. In consideration of the expected winter temperatures the plan is clearly thought out: Two half hour concerts on the 4th advent and in between a long break for our Christmas brunch. Looking forward to the concert we practice a selection of Christmas songs.
On the 3rd advent I am exhibiting my Christmas decoration made of renewable resources and other small objects at the art and design Christmas market at the 5th people project gallery.
At a total of twelve tables the artists show their colourful, funny and sustainable creative artworks. The atmosphere is festively relaxed. The fire from the fire place radiates cozy warmth and a homely glow, and live music is played and cake is served for afternoon tea.
At our last rehearsal before the concert I tell the choir about my impressions. Where will we sing? Inside the gallery there is not enough space. On the street!? What are we going to do if it rains?
These questions hit home for me after I organized our last concert at the open air stage Freilichtbühne Rehberge for the Long Day of City Nature (Langer Tag der StadtNatur). Not another concert in the rain! So I checked out the area of the gallery regarding shelter. There were several possibilities and if it pours down really heavily we could sing inside the gallery. Which defeats the purpose, though, as our aim was to raise attention of the people walking by and residents.
On the 4th advent I am setting up my stall at 11 am. Just before 1 pm all participating members of the choir have turned up. And – tataaaa- it starts drizzling. The three guitar players set up their music stands under the protection of the projecting alcove of the building and start tuning. My tin whistle also has to adjust to the brisk temperatures.
The choir is standing in two rows in a half circle. The first listeners gather right across from us and look at us in keen anticipation. We started singing into our first half of the concert.
From song to song we look into more and more cheerful faces watching us and listening. On the other side of the street an elderly woman is opening her window. She is wearing a colourful apron and is watching us together with her two grandchildren. Then the window closes. 'Shame' I am thinking to myself but then the door opens and the little family is all wrapped up standing in the hallway smiling and listening to our Christmas carols.
A few metres to the left a slightly hung over guy is leaning against a wall, smoking and staring into his Sunday paper. I see how his right ear is facing us and I sense that he has totally tuned into our concert but did not want to be noticed. Just don't look up as the Christmas spirit might vanish...
For the two thousand and eleven year old question, whose child it might be I have warmed up my tin whistle to play the intro before, in between and after the verses. Considering the cold it was not an easy task to me mastered. The next few songs are sing-alongs for our audience, so much fun for everyone. Then we have our well-earned break. The music stands find space in my market stall, where I am looking forward to an Irish Coffee and a piece of cake, while wishing everyone a delightful brunch. After an hour of waiting I had almost given up on my order, but then my small wish was still granted.
There are many visitors at the gallery during the break. Of course, the audience of the first half of the concert and then I also meet many friends and acquaintances, who look at the market first, buy one or another Christmas gift and then come to listen to our second half of the concert.
All reenergized they come back from the Christmas brunch, pick up the music stands and start into the second half. It's not raining anymore. A new and bigger audience is waiting for us. Again our voices are being carried happily over to the audience and some listeners sway and sing along. We are ready for Christmas!
After the concert the gallery is packed and the time until the end of the event just flies by. With a big smile Yasuko Fujioka thanked everyone for the beautiful concert. She has taken many photos, which she wants to put online later.
With live music at the open fireplace in the gallery this Christmassy art-event comes to an end.
Translated by Mim